Benjamin Maydon

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Vote Benjamin Maydon for action on climate change, social justice, public services, homes to buy or rent with low energy bills, free public transport, fair work and pay.

Vote Green for our planet. We face a real challenge to prevent climate catastrophe. Greens will act now before it is too late.

Vote Green for clean air by reducing toxic pollution from the A10, A406 and Edmonton Incinerator. These cause major health problems for local people that need to be challenged by a strong Green voice.

Vote Green to tackle the causes of knife and gun crime in Edmonton, most of which is drug-related. I will make harm reduction, not incarceration, the aim of drugs policy.

Vote Green for social justice with policies such as universal basic income and a four-day working week.

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Twitter: @benjithegreen