Videos of the Month
December 2016
TED: Jeremy Jackson: How we wrecked the ocean November 2016
TED: Monica Araya: A small country with big ideas to get rid of fossil fuels October 2016
TED: Alice Bows-Larkin: Climate change is happening. Here's how we adapt September 2016
Hans Rosling double bill: 'Where Are the Syrian Refugees?' and
'Why Boat Refugees Don't Fly!' August 2016 Oops - none posted! July 2016
Andrew Youn: 3 reasons why we can win the fight against poverty June 2016
Caroline Lucas: Another Europe is possible May 2016
Tilted scales: public vs private healthcare providers April 2016
Vote Green on orange March 2016
Let's close London City Airport February 2016
Phone Hackers: Britain's Secret Surveillance January 2015
Explore Enfield by Bike December 2015
The Human Rights Act: myths and realities November 2015
We're all in it together - aren't we? October 2015
5 reasons to be concerned about TTIP September 2015
How Green is fairtrade? August 2015
Johann Hari: Everything You Know About Addiction is Wrong. July 2015
How great leaders inspire action. June 2015
Arms trade on trial. May 2015
10 of the best YouTube videos on climate change.
10 for the price of 1! April 2015
"I think this time I'm voting Green". March 2015
Hold Your Breath: fracking and clean air don't mix. February 2015
Tom Chance speaking at the Elephant and Castle March for Homes rally January 2015
Wake-up Call December 2014
How wolves change rivers and....................
How whales change climate November 2014
The crisis of Capitalism October 2014
TTIP: A race to the bottom September 2014
The Task Force on Systemic Pesticides August 2014
Is Growing The Economy The Best Way to Improve Your Country? July 2014
Glenda Jackson lays into IDS and the DWP June 2014
Saving the NHS for the Common Good May 2014
Carbon Omissions April 2014
Enough is Enough March 2014
Peak mining & implications for natural resource management - Simon Michaux
February 2014
Frakka Hakka
January 2014
Enrique Peñalosa: Why buses represent democracy in action December 2013
Naomi Klein at UNIFOR founding convention (Canada)
October 2013
Climate Radio (audio only)
September 2013
Limits to growth
August 2013
Once upon a time...
July 2013
Caroline Lucas at the People's Assembly Against Austerity
June 2013
Dave Meslin: the Antidote to Apathy (TED)
May 2013
Enough Food for Everyone IF...
April 2013 Caroline Lucas at the launch of the People's Assembly, 26.3.13
March 2013 Owen Jones at Haringey TUC public meeting
Feb 2013 Man
Jan 2013 Israel & Palestine
Dec 2012 Climate Change is Simple
Nov 2012 Diary of a benefit scrounger
Oct 2012 The Chocolate Song
Sept 2012 - Sorry, link lost
Aug 2012 GPEW London Leader Hustings
July 2012 TED: Jonathan Foley: The Other Inconvenient Truth